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Spark Plug Replacement

Spark Plug Replacement and Tune Ups – Getting in Gear with Car Maintenance
spark plug replacementThis post, our last in the Getting in Gear with Car Maintenance series, focuses on spark plug replacement and tune ups. Spark plug replacement and tune ups are necessary for keeping your vehicle running reliably and performing its best.

Spark plugs initiate the combustion and power needed to move your vehicle. The combustion drives clean gas and air to the vehicle’s cylinders. Eventually the fuel injectors can become clogged, fuel filters get dirty, and the spark plugs can become corroded. When parts are compromised, your engine will not perform as it should, and your gas mileage will suffer.

During a tune up, your automotive technician will check the condition of your spark plugs and test their performance. Other items that are typically checked during a tune up include the fuel filter, fuel pump, fuel injectors, PVC valve, as well as the engine timing and idle.
Maintenance that is not part of the regular tune up may also be needed, so a tune up provides a good opportunity to check the brakes and clutch, fluid and oil levels, and any other systems that are not regularly used or inspected. Getting a tune up in spring or early summer may be a good idea so you can have the air conditioning system checked before you need to use it.

Why spark plug replacement and tune ups are necessary?
Getting spark plug replacement and tune up service will restore power and efficiency to your vehicle. Your engine relies on many components working together to ensure proper starting and functioning. When these components wear out or fail to function, the result is lost performance and fuel inefficiency. Tune up service performed by your auto service professional will help maintain and extend auto life.

How often spark plug replacement and tune ups are needed?
Generally speaking, you should have a tune up every two years or every 30,000 miles, whichever comes first. See your owner’s manual for your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations for tune ups and spark plug replacement.