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Memorial Day Road Trip Travel Forecast & Tips

According to AAA Travel, a significant rebound in the number of travelers is anticipated this Memorial Day holiday weekend. Looking at the data, more than 37 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more from home between May 27 and May 31. This is an increase of 60% from last year when only 23 million traveled.

Road Trip Driving


Last year’s number, the lowest on record since AAA began recording in 2000, dropped during the early phase of the pandemic. The 2021 projection still represents nearly 6 million fewer travelers than in 2019. 

If you are planning a Memorial Day road trip, take some time to make sure your vehicle is ready for the road. Here are a few road trip tips:

  • Confirm that your tires are in good condition and properly inflated
  • Test your battery
  • Check your lights to make sure all are working
  • Make sure wiper blades are in good shape
  • Check fluid levels
  • Pack roadside emergency items like jumper cables and travel compressor\
  • Plan your route and stops before you leave
  • Keep a cell phone charger with a car adaptor in your car
  • Download an app like GasBuddy so you can find the best gas prices 
  • Consider the Waze app for real-time traffic info and driving directions

If your plans include traveling on toll roads, using a toll app can be a real time saver. There are state specific options like FastToll (for Illinois) or PayTollo, which covers multiple regions. Whatever your plans are, have a fun and safe Memorial Day Weekend!