Study Reveals Teen Drivers Lack Basic Safety Knowledge
While most teens are more than excited to get that coveted driver’s permit, a new study just released by Michelin and the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile reveals that … Continued
While most teens are more than excited to get that coveted driver’s permit, a new study just released by Michelin and the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile reveals that … Continued
Dear Tracy, My new car has a tire pressure monitoring system and I am not really sure how it works. I have always been in … Continued
Dear Tracy, I recently parked in a spot that had some broken glass I did not notice, and now I have to replace my two … Continued
Tire rotation involves rotating or repositioning tires by moving them from one side of the vehicle to the other. This can also include moving them … Continued
Let’s face it – it’s human nature to put things off. To make matters worse, in this age of extreme multi-tasking it just seems like … Continued
Dear Tracy, I was recently given a 2004 Ford Focus by my great aunt. She feels that she is too old to be driving and … Continued
As the snow and ice melts, and this awful winter finally gives way to spring, we will be faced with some destructive reminders of the … Continued
Valentine’s Day is this Friday – don’t forget to treat your special someone right! And remember that one of the best ways to show folks … Continued
Dear Tracy, Do I need to have both wheel alignment and tire balancing services on my car? If so, can you tell me what the … Continued
Dear Tracy, I can’t afford a more fuel efficient car right now, but the high price of gas in my area is killing my budget. … Continued