Does a TPMS mean Goodbye to the Gauge?
Dear Tracy, My new car has a tire pressure monitoring system and I am not really sure how it works. I have always been in … Continued
Please let us know which S&S location you plan to visit.
Please let us know which S&S location you plan to visit.
Dear Tracy, My new car has a tire pressure monitoring system and I am not really sure how it works. I have always been in … Continued
Summer is the time for fun in the sun, and not the time you’d be thinking about car trouble, right? Though summer may provide for … Continued
In Detroit, old tires are finding new life as highly fashionable footwear, known as Detroit Treads. Made from recycled tire rubber and old seatbelt material, … Continued
Dear Tracy, I recently parked in a spot that had some broken glass I did not notice, and now I have to replace my two … Continued
Dear Tracy, I am currently shopping for a car, but I am limited by my budget, so I am primarily focusing on used cars in … Continued
After what has seemed like an extra long winter, Memorial Day weekend is finally here. First and foremost, Memorial Day is all about gratefully remembering … Continued
Dear Tracy, I live in the Midwest and as long as I’ve had my car, I’ve always put on snow tires during the winter, and … Continued
The combustion and power needed to move your vehicle is initiated by its spark plugs. The combustion drives clean gas and air to the vehicle’s … Continued
Transmission service is part of your car’s recommended regular maintenance and involves a transmission flush and transmission fluid change. Staying on schedule with your transmission … Continued
The primary job of coolant, or antifreeze as it is sometimes called, is to transfer excess heat from your car’s engine to the radiator. The … Continued