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Tire Rotation: Why is it Important?

Regularly scheduled tire rotation is an important service that is among those recommended by your vehicle manufacturer. Rotating tires is a critical maintenance step because it extends the … Continued

Road Salt Blues

Winter road salt is critical for preventing accidents and keeping roadways safe. Salt lowers the freezing/melting point of water, making it a fast and inexpensive … Continued

The Cold Facts About Tire Pressure

It is always alarming to see one of the gazillion warning lights on your dashboard illuminate. If you drive a newer vehicle that has an … Continued

12 Automotive Holiday Gift Ideas

For those who still have holiday shopping to do, here are some automotive gift ideas for everyone on your list! 1. For the Kitsch Lovers… Hula … Continued

Are You Ready for Winter Driving?

We are well into fall, and winter weather is just around the corner! Get ready for winter driving with these simple winter maintenance tips: Inspect … Continued

All-Wheel Drive and Four-Wheel Drive

Although the terms may sound similar, all-wheel drive and four-wheel drive are very different systems. On all-wheel drive vehicles, the drivetrain has a front, rear … Continued

Three Signs of Wheel Alignment Issues

Wheel alignment issues occur as a result of suspension and steering systems not operating at the correct angles. Misalignment is often caused by a collision … Continued

Tracy Treadmore

Meet Tracy Treadmore

It all began when Tracy converted her Barbie Dream House into a service garage, and had Barbie performing wheel alignment and adjusting the toe, camber and caster settings on her pink Corvette. While her friends played on the swing set and traversed the monkey bars, she could be found identifying the make and model of the playground tire shavings. Tracy’s passion for tires began early, and never relented. Today, Tracy continually scours the latest word on wheels, reports on rubber, and test track results, never tiring of the subject.

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